Friday, 30 May 2014

fype report submission

A complete fyp report was written and submitted to my supervisor lecturer, Mr Ahmad Basri bin Zainal and also the library of UNIKL BMI. This completes the requirements of the fyp subject.

Friday, 9 May 2014

project presentation

The project is presented to assesors to provide marks for the fyp subject. The presentation was done at the Gemilang Hall in UNIKL British Malaysian Insitute.  Assesors include lecturers from the electronics department and also representatives from the industry.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

functional test

 Functional test is done to test the functionality during general operation of the project system. During this stage testing is done without propellers to enable static experiment of the project. Changes are done to commands by manipulating the user interface. The reaction of the quad copter is observed through the speed rotation change of the quad copter. This can be measured roughly with the change of sound of the motors spinning. 
            A video is made for this process as an evidence of the functionality of the project. The project seems to be functioning as it was programmed to do so.